What this accomplishes is to log requests into a Database.

Step 1 - Create Database & Table

For the table, you can use the standard sql script located at: “%windir%\System32\inetsrv\logtemp.sql”.

Step 2 - Create System DSN

Create System DSN with appropriate settings to connect to the DB.

Open the ODBC Data Source Administrator and add a new data source.

Step 3 - Install IIS Needed Features

Install ODBC Logging & Custom Logging modules.

Step 4 - Settings In “system.applicationHost/sites”

Go to “Configuration Editor > system.applicationHost/sites > Select site that you want to configure” and change these two properties:

  • CustomLogPluginClsid: {FF16065B-DE82-11CF-BC0A-00AA006111E0}

  • LogFormat: Custom

Step 5 - Configure system.webServer/odbcLogging

Go to site level “Configuration Editor > system.webServer/odbcLogging” and configure the following properties:

  • DataSource: name of ODBC data source in step 2.
  • password:
  • tableName: name of table in DB
  • userName: username (needs to have access to DB)

Step 6 - Application Pool Identity

The Application Pool should be using an Identity that has read/write access to DB.

Step 7 - Test

Made some requests and then made a query to DB.